maandag 27 december 2021

Pezhetairoi, or the Foot Companions.

AKA Macedonian pikemen.

I promised it wouldn't take very long before I posted pictures of my new Macedonians. I expanded two smaller 32 figure units to my new standard of 48 figure units. These two units are build with Old Glory miniatures. I also have units made of Wargames Foundry, among others.

I now have five of these larger units, and my army is becoming an impressive force! Pictures might appear in the near future, a game with them in action is planned in the near future.

Alexander's Macedonian army is almost ready, I have all the figures and only a few more units need to be painted. A sixt unit is planned early next year. But the next blog will be about another subject. Some more (very) old fantasy figures maybe?

May I whish you all a happy and healthy new year with lots of great games!

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