zaterdag 22 februari 2025

There is a good reason to start blogging again. (for me at least)

Blogging doesn't seems to be as popular as it once used to be. Everybody is posting on FB now, but to be honest, FB is so, ... temporary? You post something or notice something interesting, and some time later you can't find it back again. Really frustrating!

That is why I've been considering rebooting my blog for some time now. Who knows, it might become a regular thing (but don't count on it!). I'm going to use this blog mainly as a place to put pictures of my freshly painted miniatures, as I did before. But now and then, some game report, a book I find interesting or other wargames related stuff might creep in. There is also another reason to start blogging again for me, and that is the dreaded Lead Pile! 

Due to a traffic accident I have been at home for a while, and during that time, I counted my stack of unpainted miniatures. It was quiet an eye opener. The count stopped slightly above 7000 miniatures, and that's only the 25/28mm stuff!

Luckely I do have some painted miniatures too! I have been adding some units to my existing armies and started a few new project with miniatures I already owned. I'm now trying to actually finish an army, without buying new stuff. My Gauls / Galatians / Celts are the first ones I hope to get ready. 

For my own self confidence, here are a few shelves of painted armies. Most of my other painted miniatures are kept in boxes. When I find the time, I will do a count of painted stuff too.

Well, back to work now. There is just one more foot unit of those wild Gauls to be painted and based, then five chariots, and they are done!

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